The Higher Good

There’s a problem. More than one. They can’t be argued away in a day. Because of that, Australia needs a space for openly sharing interesting and impactful ideas for the benefit of its tertiary sector. And maybe this will pivot problems into meaningful positive plans.

This is about public good. The space THG fills sits between immediate news, which is well-served, and considered research on the sector which takes a longer view but is also rarely timely. This is critical commentary with purpose.

THG will share insightful content which explores a single topic from a range of perspectives recognising that few real-world questions have just one or two answers. THG draws on a diverse group of contributors. It is for people who take pleasure in the exploration and communication of ideas which are both important and urgent.

THG aims to provoke. But not to court controversy for its own sake. It prompts reflection and reaction, debate and dissent.

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Food for Thought: the year-end feast